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Having Trouble with Your Friends, Family, Teachers? Come on in!

"Don't mix bad words with your bad mood. You'll have many opportunities to change your mood, but you'll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke."

In a rapidly altering world, fitting in and having a healthy relationship with nearby people or friends are extremely crucial. Some people struggle with isolation and loneliness that they gain from not having a healthy bond with anyone.

Take a look at my impersonal example here. Mr. Andrew, one of my closest friends, who suffers from MDD which refers to the Major Depression Disorder, claimed he does not have any friends. This means that he does not have any healthy relationships. There are some methods to improve one’s connections. This might enhance Mr. Andrew’s connection with his companions to a better level. From this example we could see that throughout our lives, having healthy human relationships is paramount. Everyone from family, friends, teachers, companions, mentors and even a single person who you have met and have had a positive relationship with is vital. If you are feeling yourself as useless, you would probably think yourself of having a serious symptom of "HUMAN ALLERGY." This new terminology is used for those of people who have hardships on human bonds.

Humans are social animals whom require close relationships with other people. From a single relationship more will grow to create a community which in turn will create the world.

Relationship, is not only pivotal for our mental health but also for our happiness. According to a survey conducted by a renowned research group, one of the most important factors to be successful in life is the importance of relationships in your working environments. Those people who have favourable bonds with others have better confidence from the love and expectations from nearby people.

From that high self- esteem, they would be able to achieve great accomplishments.

On the other hand, those who have failed in their bonds and connections would be considered as outcasts. This would lead to more serious problems like self- hatred and even arrogance.

I would like to give you some tips on how to improve your bonds with your friends or family. Most importantly, you have to be confident and whether it's a friendship or relationship, everything is built on trust. Without it you are nothing.

First, the importance of a strong relationship, is to always be thankful and compliment others. Even though you do not like a person’s behaviour or idea, you can reject their offers but in a polite way like by complimenting and thanking them for their ideas.

Secondly, sincerely think from the perspective of the opposite party. This is really important because even though you think that the way that you speak isn’t aggressive and negative, the other person might not perceive it that way.

Thirdly, let the opposite party talk while you are listening carefully and reacting positively to what they are saying. Listening to others point of view is very important, as you listen you will be able to learn more about each other and have a better relationship. You will be able to form a social consensus with them.

Next, do not command others to do things, but ask them politely and if you have made a mistake, take the responsibility for it and apologize. I have seen a lot of people who has strong characteristics and self-esteem. They tend to disagree with everything that anyone says, those people who have stubborn perspectives are more than likely to get stressed. If you are one of those people, rethink your ways, admit to your mistakes and start respecting others’ opinions.

Fifth, if you would like to improve your relationship with others, I recommend you to spend time with them. There is a famous quote about this “out of sight, out of mind”, if you do not stay or play with the opposite party, you would probably not be able to be familiar with them. For better and special connections, you have to invest some of your invaluable time.

Lastly, do not use your time with people who negatively affect you. If you spend your time with people who always disagrees and not being supportive, you would also become like them. The words and scenes you’ve seen would be inscribed in your memory.

Even though, you bring about the tips listed above to the reality. There might be some people who dislike you. It might be due to your appearance or personality. I also once suffered from others’ views and backbites, but the key to this conundrum was to ignore and let it go through one ear and out the other ear. It surely be difficult, but be confident and do your best to get over it. I will keep my fingers crossed for you to improve your relationships. GOOD LUCK!!


accessed Date: April 8th

accessed Date: April 8th

accessed Date: April 8th

accessed Date: April 8th

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